Jack and the Green Sprouts Logo remade.jpg

For over forty years, Jack & The Green Sprouts has held a strong commitment to producing the highest quality sprouts and micro-greens in a safe and sanitary indoor hydroponic environment. Our dedication to producing healthy, flavorful, and locally grown produce has always been at the core of our mission as a family owned and operated business. As one of the first sprout producers in the Midwest, Jack & The Green Sprouts has been at the forefront of food safety by leading and communicating with the ISGA (International Sprout Growers Association) as well as engaging with federal and local government agencies, all in the pursuit of creating the best and safest product for you our customers.

All photography provided by Yelken Photography


About Us!

Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our decades of growing quality sprouts!

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Learn about healthy and delicious ways to use sprouts in a variety of dishes!

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